How to choose a Cash Counter for my store?

The way a store looks is extremely important. This can determine if a customer enters or not to see our products. An organized, spacious store in which, at first glance, we can find what we need will always be a success.

There are many aspects to take care of in a store, but for sure, one of the most important is the counters.

The Cash Counters are strategically important within the business. We must always keep in mind that any action that takes place in the store needs the counter, and that is why its appearance is very important.

These are some considerations that you should keep in mind:

The Cash Counter is an ideal place to offer complementary products or to offer products that are known as impulse purchase products.

It is a good place to put special emphasis on the brand image. That is why it is recommended that we use our brand and put it somewhere along the counter.

Store counters with too many items do not attract. Put in an orderly manner what you consider most important and leave space for the client to be comfortable.

Once the importance of the store counters is clear, we must see how to choose them properly. A counter must be the reflection of what our company is if we want to attract customers thanks to them. Our advice when choosing store counters are these:

What do you sell?
It is essential to choose the counter based on our activity. For example, if we are jewelers we will need a counter with the reinforced glass top base to show certain products on the counter, while if we have a kiosk we need transparent counters with many spaces to show the different types of candies. From this we will determine what type of counter we will need and if we will make use of other exhibitors.

Remember not to place it in a way that obstructs the way to the clients and not just to the entrance, since it hinders the entrance to the store.

If you want more information on how to choose a counter, contact us, our assistants will help you.

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