Museum display cases

Museum display cases are great option for collectors, in them, it is possible to store exact replicas of many objects, costumes and even paintings. They are essential for the preservation of objects that require special care due its history or high value.

This display cases are classified as Conservation grade cases and they provide the most protection for special items.

Conservation grade cases are essential for any items that require tightly-controlled environments. This applies especially in rooms where environmental factors fluctuate, such as in museum foyers or city-centre buildings. These sealed cases protect items against shifts in relative humidity and air pollution.

In order for a display case to be given this classification, the method of construction and materials should meet the following criteria:

  • Sealed from airflow – the case should have less than 0.1 air changes per day
  • Built from chemically stable materials, so avoid wood and wood composites such as Medium Density Fibreboard (MDF).
  • The possibility of relative humidity control to create micro-climates
  • No internal heat sources such as lighting

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